Monday, July 20, 2009

here's the deal: I'm still painting my two tones daily. But my camera phone sucks at picking up the true beauty in some of the polishes, so it makes me mad. So I don't post the crappiest ones. And ever since I moved, it's darker in this house and the pics don't come out, so they're all crappy.

I need a suggestion for a digital camera for under $200 for a really bitchin' setup. Thoughts?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

happy 233rd birthday, America!

True red, white & blue. I will Konad the tips of the blue ones with the stars and stripes from plate m45 before I leave here today.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

China Glaze Seduce Me and Nfu-Oh #60

I forgot to take pics of my nails for several days. Things were a bit chaotic. Blah.

One of my coworkers asked for black and red. Having just done black & white, I didn't want to hue too similar. I would like to try the Nfu-Oh with a copper color, since the flecks appear copper in the soft lighting at work.